Edible Garden Working Bee
Blenheim Rotary have been assisting a lower decile school. Initial involvement was a working bee to clean up the school edible garden and then a later working bee to extend this to further gardens.
They also ran a working bee to fix the school bikes which are held at the school for children without bikes of their own or not at school.
Rotary held their club night at the school and with the donation from the local STIHL Shop of a pole driver, planed 350 trees that had been donated to the school.
Rotarians attended the Matariki night at the school and helped with the sausage sizzle.
The local colleges have a group of youth who have formed a climate action team and took on a project to plant trees at several local schools. Rotary Blenheim funded $1000.00 worth of trees and joined them for a day going around local schools and planting trees.
Rotary Blenheim has funded an information evening with Nathan Wallis (gold coin donation) He focused on the importance of the formative years of prenatal and preschool.