Managing the Lockdown
Grant & Mary-Lynne Paice
With Covid-19 being on the news non-stop, we are all constantly being reminded and informed  of the potential challenges, losses and dangers and the need to stay at home in our “bubble” as much as possible. While this is required and sound advice, the constant barrage of often quite scary information on line and the TV can also affect our sleep, thinking patterns and stress levels.

So after a few days of this Mary-Lynne and I have decided to try to focus on the things we can control and to be grateful for all the things we have at this moment in time and the opportunities they give us now.  We are also noticing others starting to do the same.
My neighbour, for example, is a compulsive builder.  While in the past his banging about at all hours of the day and night were sometimes a bit annoying, they now remind that he is just “getting on with what he can do” and I think that is great.

I've also been getting a lot more messages and emails now than ever from family, friends and acquaintances who are taking the opportunity to catch up with and support each other. How come that is not always as common when things are going well?

My garden is looking better than it has for a long time, a new home brew is bubbling along nicely and we are taking the opportunity to spend more time with our pets who are totally oblivious to what is going on and seem mostly concerned about catching the mouse that lives behind the fridge and where the next bale of hay is coming from.
We are going for daily brief walks together where we are finding ourselves saying “hello” to and interacting with others who are also wandering about which we seldom ever did before. And I also appreciate the opportunity I have as your Club Chat editor.
Another thing I am finding useful is to update an autobiography of interesting experiences and funny moments I have had in my life to date plus writing humorous short stories.  These are small but valuable things that we sometimes put aside in our busy “normal” lives.
And, as we move though and eventually come out the other end of this unique experience, there will a huge number of opportunities for us as Rotarians to do what we do best as we support individuals & organisations in getting their lives back to some sense of normality.
So … how are you all managing these strange times?  Email me and I will add an article in the next Club Chat about what you are all up to.