As the sun’s warming rays shone down on the Rotarians, partners and friends gathered at the Bridgestone reserve this evening, the sound of convivial conversation, laughter and the sizzle of the barbecue graced the green in front of the reserve.
A superb array of salads filled the table to accompany the sausages so well prepared by chef Mark Bond with help from son Hamish.
At the conclusion of our first course, ring master Denis McMurtrie had us all gather in front of his well-used painting cloths where Community Board Chairperson Emma Norrish accompanied by Simon Britten spoke with the assistance of Mark Soltero, HOD Visual Arts & Art History at Papanui High School, and Denis McMurtrie about the wonderful mural panels painted by the pupils of Papanui High which were then unveiled.
This was followed by dessert and then we walked to the two seats donated by Jim & Ann Hudson and Charles Barltrop & family. Liz Courtney and Tony Tizzard each spoke about the outstanding contribution to our club and community by both these honoured and highly respected members of our club. Rev Rob Thomson then dedicated the seats and all who will benefit from their use.
Next Denis spoke about the table donated by the Ron Proctor Environment Trust and his vision for the future use of this by groups based at the new Brain Tree Trust building. Rob Thomson then provided a dedication for this as well.
Our grateful thanks to Lois Flanagan and supporters for their work in organising the food, to Mark Bond for his cooking skills, to Gary Denhard for recording the evening’s events on video, to Simon Forsyth for seeing that he put his photographic skills to good use and to Denis McMurtrie for his vision in planning this excellent evening.
FYI: One of the dedications Rob did reads as follows:
Let us give thanks;
for the vision that makes dreams possible,
for the work that has made the dream of this reserve a reality
and for the gift that makes this seat possible.
Now we dedicate this seat;
with appreciation for comfort,
and a place to reflect;
Through all then changing seasons of this bush,
may this bench be a place of peace,
and a blessing to all who pause and sit here.