Mitre 10 Mega BBQ April 10th
The next Papanui Mitre 10 Mega BBQ is on Saturday 10 April and we need some volunteers to help out. Note it is on Saturday this time.
This is a good chance to help raise money from the public instead of our own membership. All profits (usually $500+) will go into our general club funds.
This is the current status of our BBQ Rosters for this Saturday 10 April.
Note: Deb Gimblett has offered to do one or two rosters but I haven’t selected a time for her yet. I’ll see how your own preferences pan out first.
The BBQ opens to sell sausages at 9:00am
We have four rosters as follows:
8:15am to 9:00am: Arie dropping things off, Gary and Arie setting up.
9:00am to 11:00am: Arie, Gary, Max Wright. 1 more person needed.
11:00am to 1:00pm: 4 people needed
1:00pm to 3:00pm: 4 people needed
3:00pm to 4:30pm: Gary Denhard, 2 more people needed
Hope you will support us again this time.
The next BBQ is Saturday 24 April. By the end of April these BBQs would have raised over $2,500 for club funds this Rotary year.
Thank you.

A reminder that we would encourage as many members as possible to attend our meeting this week.
Simon Forsyth will be taking new individual photos for inclusion in the Members Handbook and a group club photo as well.
We look forward to seeing you there:
Stuart sent through some great pictures of the work the Foundation / International Committee helps support.

An Update from Janice
Today a physiotherapist came to see me and told me that the wait list to get to Burwood Hospital is huge. Still not sure if I will go to Ashburton Hospital then or go home?
Our home has to be accessed so that I can manoeuvre a wheelchair around our home and which of our two showers will be best to be used. The problem is, is I am not allowed to weight bear on my left foot I have to imagine there is an egg under my foot that I may not break.
Today the physiotherapist taught me how to get in and out of my wheelchair using my right leg. I can move the wheelchair with my right foot and right arm but only for a little bit as I am still waiting to be operated on my right frozen shoulder.
This is an old injury I did in June 2019 when I went give our cocker spaniel a smack for digging under the big square terracotta planter we have in our back yard. Well the little minx saw me just as I was about to smack her bum. As she ran past me to run away I lost my balance and fell on the edge of the planter with my right shoulder.
I went to our family doctor who gave me some pain killers and was told to go to see my specialist, which I did. After having an MRI which showed I had a tear in my shoulder and bursitis I received 2 cortisone injections one in the front of my shoulder and one in the back of my shoulder. These two injections kept the pain away for quite some time however the pain came back.
After a number of rounds of cortisone I had another MRI which showed the tear was still there and that my shoulder needed to be operated on as I was struggling to use my arm properly.
I officially had what is called a frozen shoulder.
My specialist applied for ACC to fund an operation.
He sent them all the details and the two MRI scans at the end of February. I have received a letter from ACC saying they were still accessing but needing notes from my specialist and family doctor and would get back to me by JUNE!!
I emailed my family doctor after getting that ACC letter and asked him once he got the letter to get all the details they needed back to them soon as possible so I could have my operation as quickly as possible.
The ACC letter arrived the 1 March and our family doctor sent them all they asked for back to them on the same day, via email and he emailed me to say what he had done on that day as well.
Fortunately on Friday before I had this horrible accident I got to see my specialist and he put another 2 cortisone injections into my right shoulder. Did feel a lot better during the day but still sore sleeping at night.
Now with having to pull myself up onto a moving apparatus called SARA STEADY my right shoulder is getting quite sore again. I have rung my specialist today and his receptionist said the hospital will just need to give me more cortisone as he will not be able to come to the hospital to administer it.
So sorry for the long spiel but just putting you in the picture so to speak. Today I am having a bit of a blue day and a number of tears have fallen.
I am happy now as have my lovely nurse Deb, who is a very compassionate and caring, is looking after me tonight.
Cheers Janice.

Thought for the Week
“A diamond is merely a lump of coal that did well under pressure.”