Posted by Deryn Tregurtha on Nov 13, 2019
Trailer Raffle Final Week
Hi Everyone
Hi Everyone.
The raffle is coming to an end.  We still, however, still need a few names on the roster to finish it off.  If you can spare a couple of hours between Wednesday and Sunday, please add your name via the Roster Link  and let me know.
Just as importantly:
We need the butts, money, & any unsold tickets back.
If you still haven't brought them back please do so by Friday so that any unsold books can be sold over the weekend. Where possible we want to sell them in numerical order to lessen the gaps between sold and unsold for the draw.
Thursday night's meeting would be an ideal time to bring them in, but if you can't make it then please make arrangements to get them to me somehow. 
Kind regards:
021 116 15861