Changeover Night 2021

The Placemats were a hit!
With almost sixty club members, dignitaries and family in attendance, we had a full and busy night for our annual changeover 2021 with Gary Denhard as our MC ensuring things ran in a timely and smooth manner.
We were graced with the presence District Governor Mark Yaxley accompanied with his wife Stella and Assistant Governor Craig Murphy who were well looked after by our own District Governor Elect Nick Courtney and wife Liz who has also served as a District Governor for our district.

DG Mark Yaxley
After welcomes were completed by President Janice and Mark, Janice then proceeded to invite Club Members who proposed our recipients for Paul Harris Fellowships to introduce them as follows:

Gordon Shields introduced Heather Mitchell
Jim Hudson introduced Sue Nichol
Stuart Batty introduced Jenny Haworth.
This special award is given to show appreciation for substantial contributions. All three recipients have given excellent service & support to the club and beyond and President Janice took great pleasure in presenting the PHF pins, medallions and official certificates to our three worthy Fellows.
During our meal together we enjoyed the opportunity to view a PowerPoint that shared the broad and comprehensive range of activities & support services our Club has been involved with.
After we had been well fed and watered, President Janice then shared her report for the year and presented a number of Achievement Certificates to various members in appreciation of their efforts.

It was then time for President Janice to lead the Changeover Ceremony with Grant taking over the role as President for the coming Rotary year.

After the customary raffle MC Gary closed the event by playing the well-known tune ‘Que Sera Sera’ which we heartily joined along with.
Many thanks to the large team of Club members et al who supported putting the evening together. Too many to mention here but you know who you are.