It was a delight for myself, Tony Taylor, Lois, Jim and Nick to attend the RYLA course luncheon and group presentations last Friday in support of Brydie and other attendees on the course’s last day.
After a lovely lunch we proceeded upstairs and were treated to some excellent presentations of fund raising ideas from sub groups of attendees.
These covered a wide range of areas including Wild Pine Tree control, assisting parents with young babies, organising education packs for a Tongan college, offering cooking classes, providing options for flooding mitigation and helping provide better access to bariatric surgery.

Lois captured this saying at the finish of the meeting:
Mā mua ka kite a muri
Mā muri ka ora a mua
Those who lead give sight to those who follow.
Those who follow give life to those who lead.
What a great opportunity for these keen and energetic attendees to gain skills and enjoy the comradery of what Rotary offers
President Grant