Rotary International has a total of 525 incoming DG’s with 40 trainers to facilitate these sessions. “The incoming RI President, Jennifer Jones from Canada has as her theme ‘Imagine explained Liz.
The sessions Liz oversaw covered the following topics:
- Our journey together.
- Creating a participant centred experience.
- Expanding our reach.
- Our ability to adapt.
- The impact of our service.
- We are Rotary.
- Creating lasting change
- Planning the Year Ahead.
“All the sessions were multi-lingual with interpreters on hand” explained Liz.
The core values used as a guideline for the training were Friendship and Tolerance, Fellowship, Integrity, Diversity, Service and Leadership.
“We are all encouraged to grow Rotary through new and innovative clubs” continued Liz.
Liz’s talk concluded with the admonition:
“Think Outside the Box”.