Papanui Club Chat Snippets
06 Dec 2021

Stuart Batty
Stuart gave us a trip down Memory Lane with his entertaining speech titled: “Remember When” following his arrival in Christchurch in 1967.
Stuart and Leslie arrived from Wellington on the Wahine at 6pm in June to a pitch black rainy and cold Christchurch evening and jumped on a train into town where they had arranged to be collected and were taken out to the United Services Hotel.
He remembers buying groceries at Self Help and meat from MMM. “Our budget was $10 a week with roasts less than $1” noted Stuart. In due course their 1st home was on Park Terrace & Bealey Avenue in the old Flemings residence. He remembers it was a bit eerie as the bulbs were coloured.
As they started to settle in he remembers the fire station was not far away and they also saw a few Bishops as it was their area. They also remembered the dustbins that were collected plus also got themselves one of the 1st new TVs that were available.
Other memories at that time included the old Post Office Savings Bank booklet, drinking Cold Duck, and the interesting practice of six o’clock closing which brought back memories for us all.
Another day they were off to Ballantynes where they were told: “No positions available”. They did though run into a chap who asked if they were from Australia and suggested being a cashier as NZ was going decimal.
Additional memories Stuart shared included buses with prams, old 60’’s Blue Star taxis, and a large number of old yellow cars. They also enjoyed the large number of picture theatres in the Square which cost 45c a screenings and 5c for an ice cream which was a lot cheaper than where they had come from.
Other experiences he shared included the floral clock, the fountain, DIC, the old Gas Works and railcars. Stuart concluded his talk with a slide of the NAC flight attendants that flew on the old Friendships and Viscounts.

Liz thanked Stuart for his talk and especially reminding us of the infamous Cold Duck!
Winners of the 2021 Trailer Raffle
We are pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 Papanui Rotary Trailer Raffle as follows:
1st Prize - Ticket No. 8618 - Hirone Waretini
2nd Prize - Ticket No. 2852 - Hope Ragadi of Bryndwr
3rd Prize - Ticket No. 6570 - Heather Cunningham of Bryndwr
HUGE congratulations to these winners … enjoy your prizes!
Prizes will be presented at the Papanui Club on Saturday, 11 December at 8.45am.
The Rotary Club of Papanui would also like to again thank our partners Northlands Mall, Mitre 10 Mega, Stihl, Harmans Lawyers and Allprint.
We also acknowledge the generous support from everyone who took part in this community fundraising event.
All funds raised will be distributed as follows:
1/3 to the Papanui Children in Need Trust.
1/3 to the Rotary Community Breast Milk Bank and:
1/3 to the Braintree Trust Community Health Garden.
Once again, congratulations to all the winners!

A reminder to all members that we now have to go back to the apologies email rcpapologies@gmail.com as we no longer need exact numbers attending, but we do need an approximate number so staff know how many tables to set up.

Papanui Rotary Christmas Evening
A reminder that we are having our Club Christmas evening next week on Thursday the 16th at the Papanui Club. The cost per attendee is $30:00.
In addition to a visit by Santa and various goodies, we are also hoping to organise some entertainment during the evening. We look forward to seeing you all there.

Rotary Ladies Breakfast
A final reminder re arrangements for our Rotary Ladies breakfast on Saturday 11 December 20 Mistral Road, Northwood for those coming to please remember:
- Bring cash to buy small handmade Christmas gifts by Angeline our special guest.
- Please bring a $5 gift for our usual Secret Santa.

Footstools Galore!
Gary has booked a stall at the Riccarton Rotary Family Market on Sunday the 12th of December to try and sell more of our Recycled Rimu Wooden Footstools. He would appreciate some help.
He is organising three shifts:
- 8am to 10am
- 10am to 12pm
- 12pm to 2pm
He will be there all day so really only needs one person to help with each shift so he can get a break now and then. Please let him know if you want to help and which time will suit.
The 8am shift will setup the site which is really only putting up a Gazebo and placing a couple of signs Rotary banners (from Liz) and taking the footstools from my car and putting them on the table I hired.
Also, he needs to borrow a 3m by 3m portable Gazebo from somewhere for the day. Does anyone have one he can use?
Once he has some helpers he will let them know more details.
All funds raised go into the Club’s general fund for community projects.

Click here to purchase from the Rotary Club of Papanui and Support our Fundraising!
Food for Thought