Papanui Club Chat Snippets
8 March 2022

Mystery Zoom Guest This Thursday!
We are having our 1st get together and catch-up on line this Thursday the 10th of March starting at 6:30 pm. This includes a “mystery guest” who will be joining us as 6:45 pm.
The Zoom link will be sent out to members his evening.

Become a Centurion
There has been a case of wild polio virus in Malawi, the first in Africa for 5 years. This when there has been only one case each in Afghanistan and Pakistan so far this year.
The case in Malawi has meant a massive shift in resources to tackle this outbreak. As long as wild polio exists in the world all countries are at risk of importation of the virus.
Bill Gates has been in Pakistan to review progress there first hand. He reckons that by focusing on Pakistan and neighbouring Afghanistan (although he has no direct influence there but acknowledges cooperation with the Taliban) then hopefully the wild virus can be eliminated within the next 2 years.
It is doubly important that we support the fight against polio, especially with this new outbreak in Africa. Rotary needs to raise US$50 million to qualify for the Gates Foundation 2-for-1 subsidy.
Please ‘Become a Centurion” and ensure our club reaches our target of US$1,500 this year. Contribute this month and your donation qualifies for a rebate for this tax year.
The Club Account number is 03-1355-0661945-00, making payment to the Rotary Club of Papanui Charitable Trust, reference ‘Polio’.
Thanking you - we are banking on your support.
Jim Hudson
Foundation/International Committee

Denis sent me the Karakia that Charlotte used at the seat dedication at Papanui Bush as some members were interested in receiving a copy of it.

The History of Rotary
The world's first service club was founded on 23 February 1905 when lawyer Paul Harris and three friends met in a small office in downtown Chicago. They named their new club "Rotary" to describe the practice of meeting in rotation at the members' various places of business.
During the 1911-1912 Rotary year, the association became international. The National Association of Rotary Clubs, which became the International Association of Rotary Clubs in 1912 adopted the name Rotary International (RI) in 1922.
A lot has changed in Rotary since 1922 as it has continued to change and grow with the times to be the thoroughly modern organisation it is today. Learn more about the history of Rotary.
The humanitarian activities of Rotary international are organised through The Rotary Foundation, Rotary's charity. Rotary International has a number of programmes that are not humanitarian but focus on youth and leadership.
Rotary International provides an immense network of clubs and their individual members all of who interact in creating and joining together in service and fellowship. Individuals as well as clubs can use the Rotary network to fulfil their personal service goals.
For more general information go to rotary.org/en.

Food for Thought