Papanui Club Chat Snippets
15 Nov 2021

A reminder that there is no EftPOS available at our Thursday meetings for the rest of this month as it is in use at the Trailer Raffle. You can either (1) pay cash or (2) deposit the meal(s) cost into our Account # 03-1355-0892268-00.

Components of Fitness for Seniors
Our speaker last week, professional physiotherapist and high-performance trainer Sonya White, gave us all a chance to work up a good lather from a series of comfortable exercises we could perform.
She told us that good health is enhanced by a healthy diet, regular exercise and a positive attitude.
All the exercises were clearly demonstrated and we had the opportunity to practice quite a few. All could be achieved at home using everyday items in the home.
Sonya stressed that the strengthening of the core muscles around the hip and stomach area helped in preventing falls and stumbling. To assist this we were given diaphragmatic exercises to practice.

Papanui Rotarians in Action!
Sonya insisted that it was never too late to keep active. Just adjust the level of activity to your comfort and abilities.
The exercises concentrated on co-ordination, stability and balance. It is planned to make charts outlining the exercises available to members.
Grant McFadden thanked Sonya for her lively and enthusiastic session. We all went away with some great ideas for helping us maintain our core strength and balance as time marches on.
Trailer Raffle
Many thanks for those who helped out with the trailer raffle this past week. We still have gaps over the following weeks, and really value your ongoing support.
Please visit the link here and continue to identify more spots you can fill and email these to Lois or Kathy so they can enter the dates & times you are able to cover.

Change in Directors
For the balance of this Rotary year President Grant advised us that, effective immediately, Lois Flanagan will take over as Fellowship Director and Keith Mitchell will assume the Community Service Director’s role.

New Rotary District 9999 Constitution Vote
President Grant shared with us that Mark Yaxley will be joining us later in the evening this coming Thursday (the 18th) to explain more about new District 9999’s Constitution that he forwarded to all members earlier in the year.
Following this, those Club members present at the meeting will be asked to vote on the proposed Constitution with the proposal being:
“That this Club supports the proposed Constitution for District 9999.”
Rather than attendees completing voting forms individually, District Administrator Ken Booth has advised Grant that the resulting votes of “Yes” or “No” can be done by a show of hands, recorded on a single voting form and witnessed by President Grant & Secretary Cheryl (or Treasurer Deryn if needed) and forwarded on to Ken.

Food for Thought