Papanui Rotary Club Chat Snippets
28th June 2022


Last week we had our annual Changeover which started off by outgoing President Grant passing on the “Chains of Office” to incoming President Stuart Batty. It was a great evening with many of our Club Members being recognised for their significant efforts.
Starting with the Paul Harris Fellow awards which was established in 1957 to recognise substantial contributions to the Rotary Foundation and later expanded to include contributions to Rotary in general and services to local or international communities, the following two members were presented with Paul Harris Fellows (Sapphire) for their excellent efforts which built on earlier Paul Harris awards they had received in previous years:
This was followed by recognising Kathy Anderson and Cheryl Colley as Paul Harris Fellows for their significant service to Rotary and Local Community:

All four recipients of these awards received hearty congratulations from Rotarians and attending family present.
In preparation for our meal members of the Fellowship team et al did a marvellous job of setting up and decorating the tables which was much appreciated by all in attendance.
At the conclusion of the meal our mystery Changeover guest was revealed!

Rose Bright Violinist Extraordinaire
Rose, a talented violinist who is currently completing her 7th form studies extramurally, has performed at the International level as she prepares for studying music full time next year in Wellington.
We were treated to three varied musical items that demonstrated the skills and versatility that she has in her repertoire. One surprise to us was that she is currently using a borrowed bow and that the one she is looking to buy next year will cost $5000!
Appreciation Certificates
Following Rose’s visit, President Grant then presented a number of “In Appreciation” Certificates to the following Club members:
Deryn Tregurtha in acknowledgement of her commitment in her role as Treasurer & fund-raising activities including the trailer raffle in particular.
Rob Nicholl in acknowledgement of 43 years of service including acting as car rally organiser, running Sergeant Sessions and his willingness to help when needed.
Jim Hudson in acknowledgement of his passion in promoting the Rotary Foundation and in particular the raising of funds for eliminating polio.
Keith Mitchell in acknowledgement of his broad support in a comprehensive range of our activities and his willingness to support us when called upon.

Our final recognition for the evening was to acknowledge our Rotary Associate for the year, Brydie Washington, for her active involvement in the Club which included attending Club meetings and assisting with various community activities with other members.
Brydie also attended the week long RYLA training week with associates from other clubs where she participated in many activities and working groups in order to gain skills to take forward with her. We presented her with a Course Certificate in recognition of her active involvement in and completion of this programme.

Thursday June 30th - Community Board Visit
Emma Norrish, Simon Britten and Mike Davidson, Representatives of the Papanui-Innes Community Board, will be joining us after our meal followed by the presentation of a Community Service Award to one of our members.
We also have Anna Gully, the Rotary Regionalisation District Rep for D9970 joining us to explain the Pilot proposal which all Clubs in Zone 8 need to vote on. She has been tasked with communicating with all Clubs the latest updates on our proposed District Regionalisation Pilot programme to ensure we are fully informed for our Club vote re this in September on whether to proceed with it.
Please email Deryn via rcpapologies@gmail.com if you are (1) not coming to this event or (2) if you are bringing additional family or a friend(s) with you.
Thursday July 7th
TBA – details coming.

We are Almost There!
Jim spoke to us briefly last week to acknowledge all the efforts that members et al have put in to help reach our monetary target for the Foundation in order to meet the requirement for supporting the ending of Polio.
Thanks to Gary for his efforts in setting up and managing the Give A Little page plus Jim also thanked all those who have come to the party with Centurion numbers.

Lois also sent this Times headline through as a reminder that it shows the importance of being vigilant going forward with the Rotary Polio campaign.

Brain Tree Update from Kathy
I went to the new Gym at the Brain Tree Trust to do my exercises today, what a fantastic set up. When I walked in, everyone welcomed me and were full of very positive comments about how much they appreciated Papanui Rotary Club re establishing and planting the bush, and how wonderful and lucky we were now having such a lovely outlook.
The Pheasants and Pukekohe were having a great time out there, couldn’t see the Kingfisher today. Even the cafe has a lovely view out over the bush.
Thank you everyone who has been to one of the working bees at the bush, it is so worth while when I heard the comments today.
We need to have a working bee on a Monday or Wednesday between 1-3pm or a Friday between 10-12 as this is when the open gym sessions are on that I attend so those attending the gym can see all the wonderful people who are doing the work in the bush.
Thanks everyone from all us at the Gym who appreciate your hard work. Photos from the inside looking out.

Food for Thought