Papanui Club Chat Snippets
25 Jan 202

Dr Larry Skiba
We were treated to long term member Larry’s talk on his experiences and changes over time to General Practitioner and medical services.
Larry was brought up in a farming community in Canada. After 2 years pre-med he next attended medical school in Calgary. On finishing this, he then moved to New Zealand in 1976 where, after a stint in Dunedin, he then moved to Ashburton Hospital where he described his activities as “doing everything”.
His next move was to the Papanui Medical Centre while completing General Practitioner training where he stayed for 20 years. President Grant was one of his patients later in that period but he can’t seem to remember him which is probably a good thing for Grant J.
His next move was to his current job at the Mansfield Health Centre in Merivale. One of his more interesting activities is travelling to Disneyland with groups of children where he oversees and manages their medical needs.
“One of the largest changes to how GPs work was caused by the rapidly changing IT world which is now extensively used” shared Larry. Mobiles are in particular are being used for a wider variety of access to medical services.
“Prescriptions in particular can be accessed this way” continued Larry but he also shared that this sometimes has its challenges as users adapt to this way of doing things.
Another area that has changed significantly is surgery which has significantly reduced time spent in hospitals. This helps free up these valuable resources for other services.
Other areas where things have changed notably include minor surgery including ear wax removal plus access to St Johns is now computerised.
With respect to the evolving Covid world, Larry noted that this has significantly changed how medical centres operate and stressed that preventing spreading is now a key focus of GP advice to patients. He also noted that the response time to the provision of vaccines and services has been significantly quicker than it was in the past.
As to the future, Larry feels that the space age may have a greater role to play in the future as it continues to change rapidly and as a result of its development it will provide increasingly new and complex technologies and discoveries that will have an impact on how we package and deliver GP and medical services.
Max thanked Larry for his presentation on the changing GP and medical services world.

This Week’s Meeting
The buffet will operate this week, along the lines that it did earlier last year, where we each take our plate up and let them know what we want on it.
We will require apologies, though, so that we can give The Papanui Club as accurate a number as possible of those attending so they can allocate us spots within the 100 allowed in each bar.
It is important that we think of other members of the Papanui Club, and allow as many as possible to visit the club while we are there.
Deryn asks that all those not attending (i.e. apologies) let her know by midday Wednesday the 26th. Those she doesn’t hear from will be deemed to be attending and are likely to be charged $24 whether or not they attend.
Apologies to rcpapologies@gmail.com.

It was a delight for myself, Tony Taylor, Lois, Jim and Nick to attend the RYLA course luncheon and group presentations last Friday in support of Bridie and other attendees on the course’s last day.

Bridie joined us for Lunch
After a lovely lunch we proceeded upstairs and were treated to some excellent presentations of fund raising ideas from sub groups of attendees.
These covered a wide range of areas including Wild Pine Tree control, assisting parents with young babies, organising education packs for a Tongan college, offering cooking classes, providing options for flooding mitigation and helping provide better access to bariatric surgery.

Bridie’s Group Presentation
Lois captured this saying at the finish of the meeting:
Mā mua ka kite a muri
Mā muri ka ora a mua
Those who lead give sight to those who follow.
Those who follow give life to those who lead.
What a great opportunity for these keen and energetic attendees to gain skills and enjoy the comradery of what Rotary offers
President Grant
Food for Thought