Wood Chopping Fun & Games by Deryn
There were seven of us altogether involved in our recent wood chopping endeavours which resulted in us loading two trailers twice each so four trailer loads in total.
We then took it all to Wayne Lyons and unloaded it onto nine pallets each 3-4 feet high where it is waiting patiently to be cut and split into smaller pieces.
Cuppa time at cafe after we finished was especially enjoyed by all 😊.

Mitre 10 Mega BBQ a Hit!
Last week was our first Saturday and we had light rain to start with. We sold out of sausages just after 4pm and had a turnover of $844.20 ($636.20 cash and $208 EFTPOS). This means that we make just of $500 profit once again.
I managed to see a little bit of every roster and I always found very friendly chatter amongst the members who helped. There was also friendly banter with the locals who were buying our sausages and drinks.
Helping with the BBQ is easy and really enjoyable. If you haven't been involved yet then the next BBQ is in 2 weeks on Saturday 24 April. Funds we raise will go to the Papanui High School Kimi Ora Camp later in the year.
Special thanks to Arie who bought the sausages and bread once again and did the first shift even though he has a lot on his mind. We all had a "we're thinking of you" sausage to honour President Janice.
Also, a big thanks to Deb Gimblett who took eight of our wooden foot stools home for her & her husband to oil over the next week or so.
Thank you once again to all who assisted:

Wednesday Lotto Needs a Boost
We still have a few numbers left in our next Wednesday Lotto fundraiser. Contact Deryn to join.

Rotary Centennial # Plate Surrounds Project
Christchurch South Rotary is coordinating Matamata Rotary's centennial number plate surrounds project. At $15 per set, this is a fantastic way of promoting Rotary.
Athol McCully is the contact person for our district and he mentioned that he still has a few of these available. We would appreciate if you can please promote this project to your members. Click on the link below to order.

Janice Update
Hi Everyone.
Just a wee update you let you all know I came home from the hospital recently in a wheelchair. In six weeks’ time I will be taught to walk again as at this stage there is to be no load bearing on my left leg.
I would like to thank you all for the lovely card & well wishes. I also appreciated you asking Arie how I am but also asking how he is as it has been quite a stressful period as you all can imagine He will have to be my carer now that I am home which is going to be a huge lot of work for him.
A big thank you to the Rotarian who helped by giving him a meal. It was a whopper, big enough for six people, and has been put it in the freezer as we will eat it next week when we have a few people staying with us.
A # of things had to be done to make our home usable for a wheelchair including a ramp for access into our front door, a sliding shower seat & a raised toilet seat chair on wheels. No driving my car but I have two means of transportation: my wheelchair & the toilet chair.
Not sure which shower will be best yet to use yet. Our oldest son came and sprayed a coating of spray over our ensuite tiles and in the other bathroom he took out the shower rose and installed a slider with hand-held sprayer.
I will be sending Grant photos of my x-rays before and after the operation. He will email those to you. In the after operation one it shows where they have put in oyster shells in so they will grow new bone for my leg as my compound fracture hit the bone so hard that it impacted the bone itself.
I would also like to also thank all those members who came to help out at the Mitre 10 BBQ and at Arutipu Preschool’s Open Day on a cooler day. Thankfully for you the rain stopped but you did have to contend with a bit of a cold wind.
Well - that’s it from me and I wish you all best. Enjoy your Rotary meeting on Thursday night this week. Just a wee note: I love visitors but do check with Arie by giving him a call first.
Cheers from your laid-back President Janice LoL!

Thought for the Week
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.”