Stuart sent this link through which includes celebrating 100 years of service in Oceana including a special project he was involved with on Page 22.
Note: in some browsers you need to click & drag the pages to the right or left rather than use the < > characters buttons.

It would be great if Papanui Rotary members got together with family & friends to make up tables of six as the $$$ are going to the Give Every Child a Future Centennial Project.

Senior Constable Bruce Lamb with son Michael
Our speaker this Thursday is Bruce Lamb, a Senior Constable with the Police with many years of experience as a dog handler. He has an incredible story of bravery of himself and a dog from an incident which occurred a few years ago.
Please come and listen to Bruce as he shares his experiences with us. Partners and friends welcome. We hope to see lots of you there to hear Bruce’s amazing story.

It was a great pleasure today to present to Aratupu a Vax vacuum cleaner for use at the preschool. The ladies were delighted and also that it has a wet and dry feature which will save the preschool considerable costs in having the carpets cleaned each year. Now their own cleaners can do the job!
When we helped with the Market Day earlier this year we noticed their cleaner was very old and hardly worked. The Children in Need Trustees agreed to the purchase of this machine which was sourced by Janice Geerlofs. Thanks so much Janice for finding the Vax at a great price. Being endorsed by Janice we knew it was an excellent machine!
It is great to be able to help the preschool and make a difference in our local community.

Food for Thought
“The way to be in the right place at the right time is to be in many places all the time.”